Berkshire MS Therapy Centre


Sophie Lenton

Sophie Lenton

My Story

I am skydiving for an amazing charity, the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre.

The Berkshire MS Therapy Centre supports local people manage their Multiple Sclerosis with treatments not available elsewhere and giving people a chance to meet and support each other.

They need our help!

They have no funding from the NHS and every year they will provide over 10,000 treatments supporting over 300 local families. There is no cure for MS but the awesome support from the Centre makes a real difference,

I am taking on this extreme challenge on Saturday 24 June. Will you make a donation?

Every donation will make a real difference to this small, local charity and the people they support. I know times are tough but to steal a phrase, every little helps. Not all heroes wear capes; some make donations to make the world a better place.

You can find out more about the charity at

Thank you so much for your support.


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I am skydiving for an amazing charity, the Berkshire MS Therapy Centre.

The Berkshire MS Therapy Centre supports local people manage their Multiple Sclerosis with treatments not available elsewhere and giving people a chance to meet and support each other.

They need our help!

They have no funding from the NHS and every year they will provide over 10,000 treatments supporting over 300 local families. There is no cure for MS but the awesome support from the Centre makes a real difference,

I am taking on this extreme challenge on Saturday 24 June. Will you make a donation?

Every donation will make a real difference to this small, local charity and the people they support. I know times are tough but to steal a phrase, every little helps. Not all heroes wear capes; some make donations to make the world a better place.

You can find out more about the charity at

Thank you so much for your support.